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JGJ 94-1994 建筑桩基技术规范

时间:2024-05-12 22:06:10 来源: 标准资料网 作者:标准资料网 阅读:9563
下载地址: 点击此处下载
英文名称:Technicsl Code for Building Pile Foundations
中标分类: 工程建设 >> 工程结构 >> 地基、基础工程
ICS分类: 土木工程 >> 土方工程、挖掘、地基构造、地下工程
替代情况:被JGJ 94-2008替代








所属分类: 工程建设 工程结构 地基 基础工程 土木工程 土方工程 挖掘 地基构造 地下工程

Product Code:SAE AS8049
Title:Performance Standard for Seats in Civil Rotorcraft, Transport Aircraft, and General Aviation Aircraft
Issuing Committee:Aircraft Seat Committee
Scope: This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines minimum performance standards, qualification requirements, and minimum documentation requirements for passenger and crew seats in civil rotorcraft, transport aircraft, and general aviation aircraft. The goal is to achieve comfort, durability, and occupant protection under normal operational loads and to define test and evaluation criteria to demonstrate occupant protection when a seat/occupant/restraint system is subjected to statically applied ultimate loads and to dynamic impact test conditions set forth in the applicable Federal Regulations 14 CFR 23, 25, 27, or 29.Guidance for test procedures, measurements, equipment, and interpretation of results is also presented to promote uniform techniques and to achieve acceptable data.While this document addresses system performance, responsibility for the seating system is divided between the seat supplier and the installation applicant. The seat supplier's responsibility consists of meeting all the seat system performance requirements and obtaining and supplying to the installation applicant all the data prescribed by this document. The installation applicant has the ultimate system responsibility in assuring that all requirements for safe seat installation have been met.
Rationale: This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines minimum performance standards, qualification requirements, and minimum documentation requirements for passenger and crew seats in civil rotorcraft, transport aircraft, and general aviation aircraft. The goal is to achieve comfort, durability, and occupant protection under normal operational loads and to define test and evaluation criteria to demonstrate occupant protection when a seat/occupant/restraint system is subjected to statically applied ultimate loads and to dynamic impact test conditions set forth in the applicable Federal Regulations 14 CFR 23, 25, 27, or 29.Guidance for test procedures, measurements, equipment, and interpretation of results is also presented to promote uniform techniques and to achieve acceptable data.While this document addresses system performance, responsibility for the seating system is divided between the seat supplier and the installation applicant. The seat supplier's responsibility consists of meeting all the seat system performance requirements and obtaining and supplying to the installation applicant all the data prescribed by this document. The installation applicant has the ultimate system responsibility in assuring that all requirements for safe seat installation have been met.